Let There Be Walls
Let There Be Walls

Walls are going up, pipes are going in, and electricians are doing their thing.

Just a Spoonful of Sugar (and Vanilla)
Just a Spoonful of Sugar (and Vanilla)

We hit some major milestones this week and even had a little bit of a ceremony at the shop.

Digging Holes and Running Pipes
Digging Holes and Running Pipes

Lots and lots of demo and digging allows us to finally get some construction done.

Building Our Dream: It’s All Startin’ To Come Together
Building Our Dream: It’s All Startin’ To Come Together

Turning our dreams into a reality has also meant turning an old office space into a fully-functional commercial kitchen. It has come with a lot of ups and downs (more ups, though!) and has been an incredible learning experience for us. So many people have asked us for updates on how things are going, so we’re going to start posting here on our new site as the project gets closer and closer to being complete.